Wednesday, December 4, 2013

& so it begins

hello everyone! my name is Bailey and I'm just going to tell you a little bit about who I am and the purpose of this blog. to start off, here are just a few fun facts. . .

1. I hate capital letters, so I avoid them in informal writing.
2. I always put spaces between my periods. ex: ". . ."
3. I am seventeen years old, aka a senior in high school(go eagles!).
4. I plan on going into ministry in my future.
5. I still love the Jonas Brothers.
6. I suck at grammar, it's never made sense to me.
7. Winter is my favorite because sweaters.
8. I have no clue how to run a blog, so bear with me as I learn.

Okay, so maybe those weren't so fun, but you might feel slightly more educated. Any who, lets get to the part where we talk about the purpose of this blog. Over the last few years I have been growing in my faith, I am a Christian(just to set the foundation of this blog) and I believe what is written in the Bible. This past spring I began to feel called to ministry, specifically what in ministry I had absolutely no idea. As time went on I began to explore my interests, my passions. There was always music, but that never really felt like a career path for me but simply a hobby. Over time, however, I began to notice my passion for the Gospel, my passion for talking about it with others and discussing how God reveals Himself. Eventually I began to notice a specific interest, I couldn't help but wonder what this whole Mormon thing was. Through out the past five years or so I have met more people of the Mormon faith than ever before. 

It's safe to say that the Mormon population is exploding here in north Texas, and I couldn't contain my curiosity. This started about a year ago when the Church I attend went through a series titled 'World Religions.' I would be lying if I told you that I didn't remember everything about that Sunday morning, it flipped my world upside down. For years I assumed Mormonism was simply another denomination of Christianity, I thought that they were Bible-believing Christians who had slightly different views than I myself did. Unfortunately, that was not the fact. I was in complete shock by the differences revealed to me that Sunday, I had no idea what to think about it. 

Naturally, I began to do more research. And then more research. Then even more. Eventually I began to notice a pattern. I had developed a strange passion for learning about the differences and similarities between the Mormon faith and Christianity. There was a passion placed inside of me for exploring God's truth. From this I decided that I whatever field of ministry I choose to go into, I want to be able to shine the light of the true Gospel to those who are apart of the Mormon Church. I want them to know that their beliefs are not the only ones out there, I want them to know that there are multiple sides to every story, and that they have the right to explore these with an open mind. More than anything I hope to represent Christ in the midst of darkness. Whether this means planting Churches or working with ex-mormons, I have no idea.

So why the blog? Recently I have been reflecting on this call on my life and I have just been overjoyed and anxious to do work for the kingdom. I kept telling myself that I cannot wait to go to college so that I could get a move on this thing. Still, I couldn't shake the thought that there has to be something I can do now. I was discussing an essay that I am currently writing with one of my friends, during this conversation he he brought up the idea that I should post the essay(which discusses whether or not the Mormon religion is supported by the Bible) online and thus provided the idea of creating a blog.

I did not decide to create this blog to encourage or create arguments and disputes, while I am open to questions and discussion(and I highly encourage those things because talking about religion is seriously my favorite). My hope is to educate people of the internet on unseen issues revolving around some religious beliefs. To be specific, the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in comparison(and contrast) to that of Christians. I know many of you are thinking to yourselves "well aren't Mormons Christians too?" Ultimately, that is up for you to decide your own personal opinion however I promise one day there will be a whole separate post regarding that question. But that is for another day and another time. 

My hope and prayer is that this blog will provide truth, that it will spark other people's curiosity. That it will start conversations, that it will lead people to form their own opinions as opposed to what they grew up learning. As I stated before, I do not wish to start arguments however I am open to discussion. 

(and just as a disclaimer I will most likely post random personal stuff as well)

Thank y'all for reading! More updates are hopefully coming soon!

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