Photo Credit: Saddleback Poster Art |
God is the center of each religion, whether it is Christianity, Judaism, or Mormonism.
The concept of who God is creates the core, the very foundation, of this
religion’s doctrines and customs. The Mormon Church believes that if you are
able to live a perfect life in your human body, you then earn the ability to
become a God of your own universe.
Thus Mormons introduce the idea that “the Father has a body
of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s” (D&C 130:32). In fact, founder
Joseph Smith declared, “God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted
man.” However, this view on God does not coincide with that of Christianity.
“God created mankind in His own image, in the image of
God He created them; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27
The LDS Church teaches that this verse provides Biblical
proof that God was once a man. Because Genesis 1:27 tells us that we are
created in the image of God, some people assume that we physically look like
God. However this theory would mean that God has a physical body.
John 4 tells us “God is Spirit.” There are many definitions of what exactly a
“spirit” is however every definition can agree that the spirit does not
include a physical body. From this we can conclude that we are not created in
God’s physical image.
Similarly, Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 1:17, “now to the King
eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God.” This
verse holds many topics controversial to the Mormon concept of who God is.
“The King eternal”
If God was once a man, we must
assume that He has not always been God thus He is not eternal.
“The King . . . immortal”
To be immortal means to “live
forever; never dying or decaying.” While Mormons believe that God will live
forever, if God was once a man then He had a decaying and dying body at one
point in His existence.
“The King . . . invisible”
God cannot be seen because “God is
Spirit” (John 4). Many Mormons argue that in Exodus Moses saw God thus meaning
that He is not invisible however this is a debate to be discussed another time.
“The King . . . the only God”
Assuming that humans have the
ability to become a God after their life on earth, it is reasonable to conclude
that there are multiple Gods who have their own universe. However, Paul tells
us that there is only one God. Who was God before this God became God?
The Hebrew root of the Latin phrase of “image of God” is imago
Dei. This phrase means image, shadow or
likeness of God. From this it is reasonable to assume that we reflect God’s
qualities that are listed below:
created the heavens and the earth . . .” Genesis 1:1
are creative. We create paintings, buildings, writings, and ideas daily.
is spirit . . .” John 4:24
Each human possesses spiritual
capacities; we are more than just our physical bodies. Our spiritual nature is
unseen, just as God is an invisible spirit.
“God said, ‘Let there be light’”
Genesis 1:3
We communicate the same way God
communicates, through speaking. Additionally, humans have the ability to
understand other ways God is able to communicate with us. Whether it is through
our circumstances, our surroundings, or the people in our lives. We are able to
communicate with God because we communicate the same ways.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and
self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23
God shows His goodness and love
for us through His Son, His joy in when the Heavens rejoice when His children
come home, forbearance, self-control, and gentleness in his patience toward our
sinful nature, and His faithfulness through the fulfillment of His promises. We
also contain these qualities, some more than others. Nonetheless we still have
some sort of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control in our lives.
Based on these verses, it is reasonable to conclude that God
does not have a physical, tangible body. God is invisible, eternal, and is
Spirit. We reflect Him through our characteristics and qualities; we do not
physically look like The Lord.
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